Thursday 14 June 2018

5 Tips For A Great Exhibition Stall Design

Exhibitions are a great way to get your brand noticed. A good exhibition design enhances your brand and communicates your brand values to its viewers. Promoting brands in exhibitions have become extremely popular now, due to the fact that it focuses primarily on potential consumers. It is a great way to let people know about your product qualities and features.

A good exhibition attracts a lot of visitors that can be converted into consumers. It generates leads for your sales. You get to know about the people who are actually interested in your product. Exhibitions offer a wide opportunity to the brands to expand and sell their products and ideas effectively. A good exhibition design works wonders for your brand.

An exhibition stall is equally important. It creates the first impression for your brand. People form opinions just after seeing your exhibition stand and you have to make sure that the opinions formed are favourable for your brand. You can easily alter the opinions by the colours and shapes used in your design plan. You can take inspiration from the international stall design ideas and customize it according to your brand.

Few tips for finding a good exhibition stall for your audience

1. Know your competition- it is best to know about what your competitions are up to. Ask your organisers about the other exhibitors. Research about their past designs and stalls and work on ideas to make your stall different and attractive.

2. Engage your visitor- make sure that your exhibition stall is engaging. You can plan different activities that draw attention towards your stall. Train your staff to interact with the viewers. It is best to engage your viewers at the entrance so they feel important. Offer welcome drinks and refreshments to your viewers for a more engaging experience. Refreshments also give the staff more time to interact with the viewers. You can also offer free goodies and merchandise to your viewers for better impression.

3. Use creativity and technology- you can make your exhibition stall stand out from others by using creativity and technology together. Innovative eye-catching technology paired with creativity can make the customer experience stand out. Digital touch points at the entrance, digital posters make for a grand and interactive entrance. You can also feature live product demonstrations or can allow viewers to use the products. Different competitions can be organised and the winner may get discount coupons to the products. These activities will ensure more sales and better engagement.

4. Know your theme- select a theme for your stall that communicates your brand values and ideas. Theme will set you apart from your competitors and will become a part of your image. Focus on the details and finish of the stall. A theme can help people recognise you; it also creates an identity for your brand and product and paves the way towards brand loyalty.

5. Space management- space management is an integral part of the design of your stall. You don’t want your stall too be too spaced out or too crammed up. Finalise the number of exhibits according to space available. Allocate a small part of the space for storage.

Finally, make sure you pay attention to every small detail. Lightings are also an integral part that makes a difference. The staff should be properly trained. They will be the face of the brand. Take help from the professionals who will help you with planning your international stall design and also brainstorm ideas. They also handle the execution of the designs leaving no space for mistakes.

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Monday 21 May 2018

How Small Businesses Can Benefit From Trade Shows?

There are numerous small businesses spread around the world that manufacture products which we use in our day to day life. Most of the big corporations too use their products as part of their manufacturing process to assemble their own final product; since they find buying products from smaller businesses cheaper as compared to manufacturing their own. This is because smaller businesses due to their small size, are able to keep their costs low and provide a very competitive price to their customers.

However the business prospects for small businesses has now become very competitive due to the growth of the internet. Companies are now able to search and source products from all over the world, communicate easily with new suppliers and order goods easily at more competitive rates than the existing suppliers. As a result, small businesses need to adopt new business marketing activities to reach out to companies and interact with them for business.

One marketing activity that small business can definitely try out to attract more customers is trade shows. Trade shows are now organised for almost all business sectors and industries. These platforms provide an excellent opportunity for customers and suppliers to meet face to face, check the products and discuss prices.

No doubt, businesses that want to participate in trade shows can also optfor a small stall design, mainly in order to save their participation costs because usually they don’t have big budgets. As compared to other mediums of marketing, such as print, television and outdoor media etc., the trade shows give small businesses an opportunity to directly showcase their products and services to existing and potential customers within a short duration of 3 to 4 days, depending on the exhibition duration.

By participating in an exhibition, small businesses can get a chance to study the latest developments in their field. It also gives them an opportunity to study and understand their competitors’ products and services and see how their own products/services can be improved and presented to their clients. The latest trends and innovations in the particular industry or sector too are showcased at most trade shows, which gives all the trade show participants an idea about the changes they can expect in the future and how to manage them to suit their business better.

Many government organisations and associations visit the exhibitions and share their viewpoints to the exhibition participants through workshops and conferences. These workshops help the small businesses know the latest rules and regulations concerning the industry they are operating in and what benefits they can expect from the government in the future.

While participation fees for exhibitions are normally a bit costly, they are worth every penny you pay if they are organised well. The biggest success factor of an exhibition is the number of participants in the exhibition and the volume of visitors. While you may have a small stall design, how you display your products and the attention you give your visitors is what help create a favourable impression on the targeted audience, and convert them into customers.

Since most of the exhibitions also have participants from international countries, it also gives the small businesses a chance to showcase their products to the international clients. They can use the opportunity to collaborate with international companies for both marketing and sharing the latest technologies, which can be beneficial for both the parties.

Getting client’s feedback directly on their latest products and services is the biggest benefit small businesses can have by participating in the trade shows. It gives them a forum where they can highlight the features of their products to the trade visitors and also see if they meet their requirements.

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Four Valuable Tips to Create the Most Effective Stall Design

Every exhibitor whether a first timer or an experienced one hopes to put up their best show at every business exhibition they participate in. One of the key factors for a successful show, as the research points out is having a good stall design. Remember, at the exhibition the visitors tend to be attracted by the stalls that have the most unique and attractive design. It is this component of the stall you would make you stand out from the competitors.

Irrespective of how small or big your stall is or you have a two side open or three sided open design, you have to convey your message to the audience in an emphatic way. The best stall designer Mumbai offers comprehensive stall designing services right from creating a stall design as you need to installing and dismantling the stall. But, before you start looking for the designers, you need to be thoughtful about how you can make your stall more effective. Here are four tips that will help you.

Look at the past design

If you have an event coming up, the first and foremost thing to do is review your past designs and avoid doing what you did in the previous exhibitions. This way you would avoid committing the same mistake in the design as you did in the past. Review the past year exhibition design plans and figure out what worked best for you, and then create a new design accordingly. It is also important that you review the design of your competitors and find a way how you can be better than tem and gain an edge.

Use lightings in a creative way to make the design stand out

A good lighting plays an important role in making the otherwise dull stand design look attractive and effective. You can use the light box to illuminate the signage and brand logo for your outdoor displays and even in exhibition stands. Also, lightboxes allows you to incorporate various alluring backdrop illumination settings to the exhibition stand. The LED lights are another effective lighting tool that would greatly enhance the design of your stall.

Keep yourself abreast with the latest designing trends

The exhibition stall design trends keep changing every year. This implies that the things that worked wonders for you last year may not have the same effect this year. The constant changes in the trends not only keep the exhibitors on their toes but also give them ample opportunities to improve and adapt to the new changes in the industry.

A few years ago the use of tablets at the stalls was very popular and it got the exhibitors incredible amount of success; likewise, the use of LCD screens at the exhibition stalls was immensely popular about five years ago. Do a bit of research on the designs that are trending and try to implement those elements in your stall.

The design should complement your brand image

One of the primary objectives of an exhibitor is to engage with the maximum number of visitors at the show, convey the brand message to them and convert them into customers. As simple as this may sound, accomplishing this is not easy. One of the best ways to increase the leads is to align every element of the stall design with your brand image.

Doing so will help you instil the brand values in a better way among the visitors; plus, it will also help in increasing the recall value. You can work closely with stall designer Mumbai on how can make the design so that it perfectly aligns with the brand image. A creative usage of the brand logo and tag line in the merchandise can go a long way in converting the visitors into potential customers.

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Thursday 10 May 2018

Infographic: Vital Tips To Attract More Visitors To Trade Show Booths

Every business strives hard to attract the most number of visitors to their trade show display for promoting their product and attract maximum attention. Although trade show is a great way to promote your product, organising it is a tough task since there are competitors who may possibly have the same objective. The first impression is the last impression. Considering the competition in mind, you can attract more customers by creating an appealing trade show with a smart and tempting design.

Create an interesting display. In order to capture the attention of the audience, you can create engaging video display ads which display your products and services. Make the display interactive. Depending on what you are advertising, you can organise some type of competition around your booth to accelerate audience interaction. While promotion of product and services is vital, you can organise a competition or offer entertainment to enhance customer satisfaction.

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Vital Tips To Attract More Visitors To Trade Show Booths

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Wednesday 25 April 2018

Choosing an Exhibition Stall Fabrication Company That is Perfect For You

If you are a business owner and have decided to participate in a business exhibition event, one of the first things that you must focus on is having the best design for your stall or stand. Remember, the first thing that the visitors notice at a business event is the stall design and you would like to make sure that the stall is attractive enough to quickly grab the attention of the readers.

The success of your stand greatly depends on the amount of visitors you get; the more number of visitors you have, the higher are your chances to interact with them and inform them about your product/services and convert them into customers.

There are myriad ways to design the exhibition stall and it is best advised to leave the task to professionals. There are plenty of exhibition stall fabricators in Pune who have loads of experience of working with a variety of brands. Some of the reputed stall fabricators offer a wide range of stalls including modular stalls, pop-up displays, banner stands, and custom-made stalls to suit the exact requirements of the exhibitors. Whilst choosing a stall fabricator, here are few important things that you must consider.

Experienced players

It is important that the exhibition design company you choose has a team of experienced and highly professional designers who have the ability to transform the concept into reality. The designers must have a clear understanding of the different businesses to be able to fulfil the requirements of your brand. Usually the designers at the reputed stall fabrication companies, owing to their experience in working with different kinds of brand across all sectors provide valuable suggestions to the client and create an innovative stall design.

Expertise in creating customized stall designs

If you want to create a custom stall design then make sure that the fabrication company has expertise in the same. It is best advised that you work with a company that provides full service, right from creating the design to collaborating with the different vendors, and from gathering the materials needed to execute the design to installing the stands and printing the banners.

Wide presence

Before you zero down on a particular exhibition company, make sure that you do a good research if the company has its presence in multiple cities. A company that has a farfetched presence reduces the risk of delivery issues. Their wide presence will ensure that you can easily coordinate with the designers and the vendors to get the stall materials delivered on time for a hassle free exhibition experience.

Good mix of clientele

If you are a small business owner and are participating in an exhibition for the first time you would surely want to make sure that you have a seamless show presence. Choosing a design company that has worked with similar kind of business would greatly help you in this regard.

Ask the design company to show their portfolio, this would give you a fair idea of their quality of work and how they have created a unique design for different companies. Also, read the customer testimonials and reviews on the website to get a first-hand feel of their credibility.

Installing and dismantling assurance

Usually, the top exhibition stall fabricators in Pune have a team of in-house professionals to install and dismantle the stands. Make sure that you work with a company that promises this kind of service so that you do not have to face the burden of material handling. Whilst the professionals take care of setting-up and bringing down the stalls, you can concentrate on how to get make the most from the stall.

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Tuesday 17 April 2018

Four Common Exhibition Stall Mistakes to Avoid

A business exhibition is a great platform for all business owners to showcase the product or services they are offering directly to the audience. The event also gives the business owners the liberty to interact and connect with their target audience. Although, you may have the best support staff to help you create a unique and innovative stall design, you may commit a few mistakes that would affect the ultimate goal you wish to accomplish from the exhibition.

Mistake are a part and parcel of the business endeavours, and sometimes during an event even a single mistake can make or break the agenda of your participation at the exhibition. No matter if you have the best exhibition stall fabricators in Mumbai to set up your stall, here are a few common mistakes that you must avoid to get the best out of your stall.

Not letting the audience know about your presence

This is the most common mistakes that the exhibitors commit. Although it may sound a very obvious thing to do, not many businessowners inform their potential customers about their participation at a certain business exhibition. You can avoid this potentially disastrous mistake by informing all the potential clients of your participation through emailers or possibly putting up a post on the social media handles. For getting maximum coverage, you can start with pre-show advertising and win qualified leads even before the exhibition day.

Not choosing the right event

There are literally hundreds of business events that take place in a year. However, as a business owner, it would be a wise decision to review the exhibition calendar and pick the best events that you think would yield the best results in terms of reaching to the maximum number of targeted customers and/or showcasing your brand to a large number of audiences.

Make sure that you pick the events that are suited to the industry you are in and also have the right set of audience participation. The kind of event you are participating in will play a great role in the amount of leads you generate, which in turn would translate into actual business for you. So, in a nutshell be meticulous in choosing the right event.

Not following up with the visitors

This is another common mistake that most business owners commit. Even if you have connected with best target group during the course of the exhibition, not following up the people who showed interest in your offering will potentially ruin all your marketing efforts. No matter, if the customers show interest in the product or service you are offering during the course of the event, you need to make sure that they are fully convinced about doing business with you. This can be done through follow up calls.

Also, a few customers may have a few doubts or they would want to have more knowledge about your business, the follow up call gives you the opportunity to cater to the customer’s problems and win their confidence. However, make sure that you don’t pester the client with frequent call, make sure you seek an appointment to talk to them and if they are busy, you can send a follow up e-mail.

Not connecting with the competitors

Not many business owners realize the importance of establishing a good working relationship with the competitors. Yes, it is true that they are your direct competitors and are looking to outdo you at the event, however, it is no reason for you to not interact with them at all. Interacting with them can you a fresh perspective of the business, you can also get an idea about the latest trend in the business. Also, by getting an idea of competitor’s business stall design, you can work with the best exhibition stall fabricators in Mumbai to create a better design and get an edge over them.

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Friday 30 March 2018

Choose the best exhibition designer for the best exhibition design

Exhibit design is the process through which exhibit is developed from just a concept to an actual exhibition. Exhibits range all the way from zoo exhibitions to trade shows and retail exhibits. Exhibits allow the companies to showcase their products and ideas. Exhibits also allow the consumers to examine the products and services of different companies and compare them. It is one of the most cost-effective ways of marketing and promotion for the companies and a lot goes in the process of making a good exhibition design.

A good exhibition design can change the effect of the exhibit.

  • a good exhibition holds the attention of the viewers

  • it is well organized

  • it portrays your brand and company in a better way

  • it is cost-effective

  • It communicates the ideas and concepts of the clients to the visitors in a flow.

  • it is safe and secure for the visitors

  • the look of the exhibit should be pleasant

  • good communication and presentation skills

The person responsible for this is called as an exhibition designer. An exhibition designer’s work includes everything that is needed to set up an exhibition. He discusses the ideas with the clients and presents their ideas in the form of sketches and models. He is also the person responsible for all the technicalities during the event. Exhibition designers are available in different exhibit design company in Delhi and other part of the country. They have the ability to make or break the exhibition and there are certain qualities one must search for in an exhibition designer.

  • creative and imaginative- the designer should be able to create and imagine new ideas

  • Understands brand image, ethics and values- the designer should be well aware of the brand image and values and should work according to them. This helps to work according to the guidelines and the rules of the brand. Also, it portrays a strong brand image

  • Good communication and presentation skills- the ideas will fail to be effective if they are not communicated or presented properly. The designer should be able to communicate the ideas in simple language.

  • Embrace the technology- there are different fascination technology developments happening that interests the viewers and catches their attention. The designer should try to involve these technological advancements to organize an effective exhibition.

  • Creates cost-effective designs- budget is also an important factor. The designer should work according to the budget set by the client. Also, he should try to deliver the best service in the specified budget.

  • Up to date with the current design trends- the designer should be well aware of all the latest trends to deliver the best service.

Other than these, the exhibition designer should posses all the basic skills that are needed in this profession. He should be able to use the computer-based design software and think in three-dimensions. Exhibit Design Company in Delhi employs such exhibition designers according to their skill and talent to meet their customer requirements.

An exhibition is a really good marketing and production technique to showcase your products to the target audience. It requires finance and intellectual ability as well. One must invest in the best exhibition designers to organize the best exhibition for your company.

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Thursday 22 March 2018

Pointers on How to Select the Best Exhibition for Your Enterprise

Many factors need to be considered for a business to be successful. With exhibitions, you have to experience diversity first before knowing on the best platforms to take your business to. Keep in mind that the right exhibitions can assist you in building up your ROI which brings you to a new phase of success. There is no point in staying loyal to attend certain exhibitions when they are adding zero value to your business. Here are some tips you need to consider from the best exhibition companies in Bangalore to develop your business during exhibitions seriously.

Always Have Your Audience in Mind

The audience has always been a key factor in the success of any business. Who are you selling your products or ideas to? Do not attend big industry shows when the audience there is not conversant with your services or commodities. The moment you fully understand your audience then you will only attend shows that seek to add value to your business. By talking and interacting with your customers, you might get advice on local events that are full of potential customers.

Come Up With Clear Goals

Strategy and clear goal setting is one trait that you need to master with your fingertips. It is unwise to attend shows without a clear plan on how to be instrumental to the audience in the event. Take your time to put down a strategy, plan objectives that will see your business venture become a success. Attending the show should be of certain importance to your business be it the creation of awareness or seeking new potential clients. If you do not have this in the order, you might end up wasting your time, finances and energy on exhibitions that have poor or no outcome.

Do an Extensive Research on All Available Options

With the objectives and potential markets to exploit, go out and do thorough research. It is appropriate that you head to a show knowing your services are needed. Through interactions with various customers and residents, you can understand the best shows and the non-responsive shows. Do not indulge in attending very expensive shows that have no specific impact on your business. You can find out what is the right time to hit an exhibition show, the cost of attending the show, show reputation, major audiences on the shows and ultimately how big is the show. You get these details right then you are set well for a successful journey.

Delegate Sufficient and Manageable Budget

This is the most important part of your business. Lay down sufficient finances to facilitate the different exhibitions that you attend. Going blindly into an exhibition in faraway locations could see you spend a substantial amount of money that you had not planned for. Set aside few savings to make the entire project realistic.

Exhibitions are unique ways of venturing into new markets both in your area and internationally. You cannot afford to give the wrong impression to your potential customers who you seek to woo to buy your services. For success in this sector, planning is vital with the help of exhibition companies in Bangalore, and you can hope to get the best exhibition for your growing enterprise.

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