Wednesday 25 April 2018

Choosing an Exhibition Stall Fabrication Company That is Perfect For You

If you are a business owner and have decided to participate in a business exhibition event, one of the first things that you must focus on is having the best design for your stall or stand. Remember, the first thing that the visitors notice at a business event is the stall design and you would like to make sure that the stall is attractive enough to quickly grab the attention of the readers.

The success of your stand greatly depends on the amount of visitors you get; the more number of visitors you have, the higher are your chances to interact with them and inform them about your product/services and convert them into customers.

There are myriad ways to design the exhibition stall and it is best advised to leave the task to professionals. There are plenty of exhibition stall fabricators in Pune who have loads of experience of working with a variety of brands. Some of the reputed stall fabricators offer a wide range of stalls including modular stalls, pop-up displays, banner stands, and custom-made stalls to suit the exact requirements of the exhibitors. Whilst choosing a stall fabricator, here are few important things that you must consider.

Experienced players

It is important that the exhibition design company you choose has a team of experienced and highly professional designers who have the ability to transform the concept into reality. The designers must have a clear understanding of the different businesses to be able to fulfil the requirements of your brand. Usually the designers at the reputed stall fabrication companies, owing to their experience in working with different kinds of brand across all sectors provide valuable suggestions to the client and create an innovative stall design.

Expertise in creating customized stall designs

If you want to create a custom stall design then make sure that the fabrication company has expertise in the same. It is best advised that you work with a company that provides full service, right from creating the design to collaborating with the different vendors, and from gathering the materials needed to execute the design to installing the stands and printing the banners.

Wide presence

Before you zero down on a particular exhibition company, make sure that you do a good research if the company has its presence in multiple cities. A company that has a farfetched presence reduces the risk of delivery issues. Their wide presence will ensure that you can easily coordinate with the designers and the vendors to get the stall materials delivered on time for a hassle free exhibition experience.

Good mix of clientele

If you are a small business owner and are participating in an exhibition for the first time you would surely want to make sure that you have a seamless show presence. Choosing a design company that has worked with similar kind of business would greatly help you in this regard.

Ask the design company to show their portfolio, this would give you a fair idea of their quality of work and how they have created a unique design for different companies. Also, read the customer testimonials and reviews on the website to get a first-hand feel of their credibility.

Installing and dismantling assurance

Usually, the top exhibition stall fabricators in Pune have a team of in-house professionals to install and dismantle the stands. Make sure that you work with a company that promises this kind of service so that you do not have to face the burden of material handling. Whilst the professionals take care of setting-up and bringing down the stalls, you can concentrate on how to get make the most from the stall.

The post Choosing an Exhibition Stall Fabrication Company That is Perfect For You appeared first on Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs.


Tuesday 17 April 2018

Four Common Exhibition Stall Mistakes to Avoid

A business exhibition is a great platform for all business owners to showcase the product or services they are offering directly to the audience. The event also gives the business owners the liberty to interact and connect with their target audience. Although, you may have the best support staff to help you create a unique and innovative stall design, you may commit a few mistakes that would affect the ultimate goal you wish to accomplish from the exhibition.

Mistake are a part and parcel of the business endeavours, and sometimes during an event even a single mistake can make or break the agenda of your participation at the exhibition. No matter if you have the best exhibition stall fabricators in Mumbai to set up your stall, here are a few common mistakes that you must avoid to get the best out of your stall.

Not letting the audience know about your presence

This is the most common mistakes that the exhibitors commit. Although it may sound a very obvious thing to do, not many businessowners inform their potential customers about their participation at a certain business exhibition. You can avoid this potentially disastrous mistake by informing all the potential clients of your participation through emailers or possibly putting up a post on the social media handles. For getting maximum coverage, you can start with pre-show advertising and win qualified leads even before the exhibition day.

Not choosing the right event

There are literally hundreds of business events that take place in a year. However, as a business owner, it would be a wise decision to review the exhibition calendar and pick the best events that you think would yield the best results in terms of reaching to the maximum number of targeted customers and/or showcasing your brand to a large number of audiences.

Make sure that you pick the events that are suited to the industry you are in and also have the right set of audience participation. The kind of event you are participating in will play a great role in the amount of leads you generate, which in turn would translate into actual business for you. So, in a nutshell be meticulous in choosing the right event.

Not following up with the visitors

This is another common mistake that most business owners commit. Even if you have connected with best target group during the course of the exhibition, not following up the people who showed interest in your offering will potentially ruin all your marketing efforts. No matter, if the customers show interest in the product or service you are offering during the course of the event, you need to make sure that they are fully convinced about doing business with you. This can be done through follow up calls.

Also, a few customers may have a few doubts or they would want to have more knowledge about your business, the follow up call gives you the opportunity to cater to the customer’s problems and win their confidence. However, make sure that you don’t pester the client with frequent call, make sure you seek an appointment to talk to them and if they are busy, you can send a follow up e-mail.

Not connecting with the competitors

Not many business owners realize the importance of establishing a good working relationship with the competitors. Yes, it is true that they are your direct competitors and are looking to outdo you at the event, however, it is no reason for you to not interact with them at all. Interacting with them can you a fresh perspective of the business, you can also get an idea about the latest trend in the business. Also, by getting an idea of competitor’s business stall design, you can work with the best exhibition stall fabricators in Mumbai to create a better design and get an edge over them.

The post Four Common Exhibition Stall Mistakes to Avoid appeared first on Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs.
