Monday 21 May 2018

How Small Businesses Can Benefit From Trade Shows?

There are numerous small businesses spread around the world that manufacture products which we use in our day to day life. Most of the big corporations too use their products as part of their manufacturing process to assemble their own final product; since they find buying products from smaller businesses cheaper as compared to manufacturing their own. This is because smaller businesses due to their small size, are able to keep their costs low and provide a very competitive price to their customers.

However the business prospects for small businesses has now become very competitive due to the growth of the internet. Companies are now able to search and source products from all over the world, communicate easily with new suppliers and order goods easily at more competitive rates than the existing suppliers. As a result, small businesses need to adopt new business marketing activities to reach out to companies and interact with them for business.

One marketing activity that small business can definitely try out to attract more customers is trade shows. Trade shows are now organised for almost all business sectors and industries. These platforms provide an excellent opportunity for customers and suppliers to meet face to face, check the products and discuss prices.

No doubt, businesses that want to participate in trade shows can also optfor a small stall design, mainly in order to save their participation costs because usually they don’t have big budgets. As compared to other mediums of marketing, such as print, television and outdoor media etc., the trade shows give small businesses an opportunity to directly showcase their products and services to existing and potential customers within a short duration of 3 to 4 days, depending on the exhibition duration.

By participating in an exhibition, small businesses can get a chance to study the latest developments in their field. It also gives them an opportunity to study and understand their competitors’ products and services and see how their own products/services can be improved and presented to their clients. The latest trends and innovations in the particular industry or sector too are showcased at most trade shows, which gives all the trade show participants an idea about the changes they can expect in the future and how to manage them to suit their business better.

Many government organisations and associations visit the exhibitions and share their viewpoints to the exhibition participants through workshops and conferences. These workshops help the small businesses know the latest rules and regulations concerning the industry they are operating in and what benefits they can expect from the government in the future.

While participation fees for exhibitions are normally a bit costly, they are worth every penny you pay if they are organised well. The biggest success factor of an exhibition is the number of participants in the exhibition and the volume of visitors. While you may have a small stall design, how you display your products and the attention you give your visitors is what help create a favourable impression on the targeted audience, and convert them into customers.

Since most of the exhibitions also have participants from international countries, it also gives the small businesses a chance to showcase their products to the international clients. They can use the opportunity to collaborate with international companies for both marketing and sharing the latest technologies, which can be beneficial for both the parties.

Getting client’s feedback directly on their latest products and services is the biggest benefit small businesses can have by participating in the trade shows. It gives them a forum where they can highlight the features of their products to the trade visitors and also see if they meet their requirements.

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Four Valuable Tips to Create the Most Effective Stall Design

Every exhibitor whether a first timer or an experienced one hopes to put up their best show at every business exhibition they participate in. One of the key factors for a successful show, as the research points out is having a good stall design. Remember, at the exhibition the visitors tend to be attracted by the stalls that have the most unique and attractive design. It is this component of the stall you would make you stand out from the competitors.

Irrespective of how small or big your stall is or you have a two side open or three sided open design, you have to convey your message to the audience in an emphatic way. The best stall designer Mumbai offers comprehensive stall designing services right from creating a stall design as you need to installing and dismantling the stall. But, before you start looking for the designers, you need to be thoughtful about how you can make your stall more effective. Here are four tips that will help you.

Look at the past design

If you have an event coming up, the first and foremost thing to do is review your past designs and avoid doing what you did in the previous exhibitions. This way you would avoid committing the same mistake in the design as you did in the past. Review the past year exhibition design plans and figure out what worked best for you, and then create a new design accordingly. It is also important that you review the design of your competitors and find a way how you can be better than tem and gain an edge.

Use lightings in a creative way to make the design stand out

A good lighting plays an important role in making the otherwise dull stand design look attractive and effective. You can use the light box to illuminate the signage and brand logo for your outdoor displays and even in exhibition stands. Also, lightboxes allows you to incorporate various alluring backdrop illumination settings to the exhibition stand. The LED lights are another effective lighting tool that would greatly enhance the design of your stall.

Keep yourself abreast with the latest designing trends

The exhibition stall design trends keep changing every year. This implies that the things that worked wonders for you last year may not have the same effect this year. The constant changes in the trends not only keep the exhibitors on their toes but also give them ample opportunities to improve and adapt to the new changes in the industry.

A few years ago the use of tablets at the stalls was very popular and it got the exhibitors incredible amount of success; likewise, the use of LCD screens at the exhibition stalls was immensely popular about five years ago. Do a bit of research on the designs that are trending and try to implement those elements in your stall.

The design should complement your brand image

One of the primary objectives of an exhibitor is to engage with the maximum number of visitors at the show, convey the brand message to them and convert them into customers. As simple as this may sound, accomplishing this is not easy. One of the best ways to increase the leads is to align every element of the stall design with your brand image.

Doing so will help you instil the brand values in a better way among the visitors; plus, it will also help in increasing the recall value. You can work closely with stall designer Mumbai on how can make the design so that it perfectly aligns with the brand image. A creative usage of the brand logo and tag line in the merchandise can go a long way in converting the visitors into potential customers.

The post Four Valuable Tips to Create the Most Effective Stall Design appeared first on Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs.


Thursday 10 May 2018

Infographic: Vital Tips To Attract More Visitors To Trade Show Booths

Every business strives hard to attract the most number of visitors to their trade show display for promoting their product and attract maximum attention. Although trade show is a great way to promote your product, organising it is a tough task since there are competitors who may possibly have the same objective. The first impression is the last impression. Considering the competition in mind, you can attract more customers by creating an appealing trade show with a smart and tempting design.

Create an interesting display. In order to capture the attention of the audience, you can create engaging video display ads which display your products and services. Make the display interactive. Depending on what you are advertising, you can organise some type of competition around your booth to accelerate audience interaction. While promotion of product and services is vital, you can organise a competition or offer entertainment to enhance customer satisfaction.

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Vital Tips To Attract More Visitors To Trade Show Booths

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