Thursday 14 June 2018

5 Tips For A Great Exhibition Stall Design

Exhibitions are a great way to get your brand noticed. A good exhibition design enhances your brand and communicates your brand values to its viewers. Promoting brands in exhibitions have become extremely popular now, due to the fact that it focuses primarily on potential consumers. It is a great way to let people know about your product qualities and features.

A good exhibition attracts a lot of visitors that can be converted into consumers. It generates leads for your sales. You get to know about the people who are actually interested in your product. Exhibitions offer a wide opportunity to the brands to expand and sell their products and ideas effectively. A good exhibition design works wonders for your brand.

An exhibition stall is equally important. It creates the first impression for your brand. People form opinions just after seeing your exhibition stand and you have to make sure that the opinions formed are favourable for your brand. You can easily alter the opinions by the colours and shapes used in your design plan. You can take inspiration from the international stall design ideas and customize it according to your brand.

Few tips for finding a good exhibition stall for your audience

1. Know your competition- it is best to know about what your competitions are up to. Ask your organisers about the other exhibitors. Research about their past designs and stalls and work on ideas to make your stall different and attractive.

2. Engage your visitor- make sure that your exhibition stall is engaging. You can plan different activities that draw attention towards your stall. Train your staff to interact with the viewers. It is best to engage your viewers at the entrance so they feel important. Offer welcome drinks and refreshments to your viewers for a more engaging experience. Refreshments also give the staff more time to interact with the viewers. You can also offer free goodies and merchandise to your viewers for better impression.

3. Use creativity and technology- you can make your exhibition stall stand out from others by using creativity and technology together. Innovative eye-catching technology paired with creativity can make the customer experience stand out. Digital touch points at the entrance, digital posters make for a grand and interactive entrance. You can also feature live product demonstrations or can allow viewers to use the products. Different competitions can be organised and the winner may get discount coupons to the products. These activities will ensure more sales and better engagement.

4. Know your theme- select a theme for your stall that communicates your brand values and ideas. Theme will set you apart from your competitors and will become a part of your image. Focus on the details and finish of the stall. A theme can help people recognise you; it also creates an identity for your brand and product and paves the way towards brand loyalty.

5. Space management- space management is an integral part of the design of your stall. You don’t want your stall too be too spaced out or too crammed up. Finalise the number of exhibits according to space available. Allocate a small part of the space for storage.

Finally, make sure you pay attention to every small detail. Lightings are also an integral part that makes a difference. The staff should be properly trained. They will be the face of the brand. Take help from the professionals who will help you with planning your international stall design and also brainstorm ideas. They also handle the execution of the designs leaving no space for mistakes.

The post 5 Tips For A Great Exhibition Stall Design appeared first on Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs.
