Monday 24 April 2017



Pixelmate Exhibits and Designs caters to the art industry in the trade fair and stand setup, we have unique designs for this industry and we cater to them and provide all kinds of support and solutions required to make them stand out of the clutter, we cater not only to the fortune 500 but to the start-ups and small and medium enterprise.

Art industry companies can avail Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs service by writing to them at  or logging on to their website

One stop solution to all your exhibition and trade fair needs.

An artist is a person engaged in an activity related to creating art, practicing the arts, or demonstrating an art. The common usage in both everyday speech and academic discourse is a practitioner in the visual arts only. The term is often used in the entertainment business, especially in a business context, for musicians and other performers (less often for actors). “Artiste” (the French for artist) is a variant used in English only in this context. Use of the term to describe writers, for example, is valid, but less common, and mostly restricted to contexts like criticism.

History of the Term

During the middle Ages the word artist already existed in some countries such as Italy, but the meaning was something resembling craftsman, while the word artesan was still unknown. An artist was someone able to do a work better than others, so the skilled Excellency was underlined, rather than the activity field. In this period some “artisanal” products (such as textiles) were much more precious and expensive than paintings or sculptures.

The first division into major and minor arts dates back at least to the works of Leon Battista Alberti (1404–1472): De re edificatory, De statue, De picture, which focused on the importance of the intellectual skills of the artist rather than the manual skills (even if in other forms of art there was a project behind).

Modern Concept of The term

Artist is a descriptive term applied to a person who engages in an activity deemed to be an art. An artist also may be defined unofficially as “a person who expresses him- or herself through a medium”. The word is also used in a qualitative sense of, a person creative in, innovative in, or adept at, an artistic practice.

Most often, the term describes those who create within a context of the fine arts or ‘high culture’, activities such as drawing, painting, sculpture, acting, dancing, writing, filmmaking, new media, photography, and music—people who use imagination, talent, or skill to create works that may be judged to have an aesthetic value. Art historians and critics define artists as those who produce art within a recognized or recognizable discipline. Contrasting terms for highly skilled workers in media in the applied arts or decorative arts include artisan, craftsman, and specialized terms such as potter, goldsmith or glassblower. Fine arts artists such as painters succeeded in the Renaissance in raising their status, formerly similar to these workers, to a decisively higher level, but in the 20th century the distinction became rather less relevant.


In becoming a successful artist, one has to put his/herself in the shoes of a successful artist and make decisions that mirror the success.

  1. A successful artist has established achievable short term and long term goals. These established goals are written down and reviewed periodically by the artist in order to judge, grade and gauge themselves in achieving their goals.
  2. A successful artist is focused on their art and will not be distracted from their purpose and to their commitment in achieving their goals. To be successful at most things requires a focus and a “singleness of purpose.” Successful artists have this focus, as their art is a priority in their lives.
  3. A successful artist will have a passion for their art and a passion for everything else that is associated with being an artist. The passionate artist realizes that in order to be successful they will be required to do things like marketing, bookkeeping and selling, even when they rather be creating. They are willing to do these “operational” things because they know that it will get them closer to their achievable goals (see #1 above).
  4. A successful artist is professional in all of their dealings with the general public, with all gallery owners, with art reps and with suppliers. Why is this? The artist realizes that in order to market and become a brand a successful artist needs to be professional with everyone, in order to protect their brand. With social media, networking and viral media being what it is today, an artist can be minimized quickly through negative publicity and through negative digital media.


  1. A successful artist will identify, capitalize and leverage any opportunities that may come their way. Successful artists will see and take advantage of opportunities to network, promote and brand their artwork. The artist who is engaged and ready to capitalize on opportunities when they come along will be or will eventually become successful.

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PixelMate Exhibits & Designs





Pixelmate Exhibits and Designs caters to the space tech industry in the trade fair and stand setup, we have unique designs for this industry and we cater to them and provide all kinds of support and solutions required to make them stand out of the clutter, we cater not only to the fortune 500 but to the start-ups and small and medium enterprise.

Space tech industry companies can avail Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs service by writing to them at  or logging on to their website

One stop solution to all your exhibition and trade fair needs.

Space technology is technology developed by space science or the aerospace industry for use in spaceflight, satellites, or space exploration. Space technology includes spacecraft, satellites, space stations, and support infrastructure, equipment, and procedures. Space is such a novel environment that attempting to work in it requires new tools and techniques. Many common everyday services such as weather forecasting, remote sensing, GPS systems, satellite television, and some long distance communications systems critically rely on space infrastructure. Of the sciences, astronomy and Earth science (via remote sensing) benefit from space technology. New technologies originating with or accelerated by space-related endeavours are often subsequently exploited in other economic activities.

Advances in Space Technology – The beauty of satellites

We have all seen pictures of the lovely globe of Earth as seen from space. Some of the first of these pictures were taken by the astronauts of the Apollo Moon program. They described how it felt to see the entire Earth at once, our sparkling colorful planet with its delicate blanket of air and clouds, out there all alone, floating in the blackness of space. The images of Earth that have been sent back by far-away spacecraft such as Voyager and Galileo on their way to other planets in our solar system have suggested to us even more powerfully how small, fragile, and beautiful is our home.

  1. California wildfires, Oct. 2003, from MISR instrument. But space technology has done far more for Earth and its inhabitants than just inspire us with pretty pictures of our home. You are probably familiar with the use of satellites for transmitting TV signals and telephone calls, and for satellite navigation systems (such as those used in some cars and airplanes). You may not be as familiar with how much satellites have helped us to understand and take care of our planet. Satellites have studied oceans, the atmosphere, clouds, weather, rain forests, deserts, cities, farmlands, ice sheets, and just about everything else on—and even in—Earth.

It is very important to the future of life on our planet to understand how what we do affects the delicate balance of the environment. Using information from satellites, we are beginning to understand how pollution from our cars, factories, and even household products affects our atmosphere. For example, we know that certain kinds of air pollution destroy some of the ozone high up in the atmosphere. That ozone protects us and other living things from the Sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. Satellites have shown that the ozone is disappearing over some parts of Earth. So, we know that we must find and use chemicals that are less damaging to our atmosphere.

GOES East view of Hurricane Isabel forming in the mid-Atlantic. We use satellites to predict the weather. We may not be able to change the weather, but having an idea ahead of time what it’s likely to do gives us the chance to prepare. The two GOES satellites, stationed high over the east and west coasts of the United States, let us track hurricanes and other storms as they develop. Having this view from space gives people enough warning of dangerous weather to prepare and even evacuate vulnerable areas where a hurricane might hit.

Data from TOPEX shows El Nino condition. Two other satellites, TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason-1, have been studying the oceans. They have helped us to understand the complex movement of ocean water and to make long-term weather predictions. Because the oceans store a lot of heat, they have a great effect on the weather. These satellites have observed the event known as El Niño, in which unusually warm water collects in the Pacific Ocean near South America causing very heavy rain in some parts of the world and drought in others.

Disappearing rainforests in Bolivia. Some remote parts of our planet are almost impossible to keep an eye on except from space. Frequent satellite images of a rainforest can show how fast this precious habitat is shrinking. Views from space of the North and South Poles allow us to monitor the shrinking of ice sheets-important indicators of global warming and possible flooding of coastal regions.

Satellites that study Earth are not just fancy cameras in space. Many of them have special instruments that measure light that our eyes cannot see and can reveal important information such as the height of the oceans all over Earth, or the wind speed inside clouds. An instrument on a spacecraft called Earth Observing 1 is so sensitive to colour that it can distinguish between different types of trees in the forest and show where trees might be diseased. Other instruments can measure the height and thickness of clouds and how much water they contain.

Space technology has helped us understand how Earth works and how we can help keep it healthy. See beautiful images of your world from space taken by the Landsat satellite and solve Earth-as-art.

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PixelMate Exhibits & Designs

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Pixelmate Exhibits and Designs caters to the aquatics industry in the trade fair and stand setup, we have unique designs for this industry and we cater to them and provide all kinds of support and solutions required to make them stand out of the clutter, we cater not only to the fortune 500 but to the start-up and small and medium enterprise.

aquatics industry companies can avail Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs service by writing to them at or logging on to their website

One stop solution to all your exhibition and trade fair needs.

Definition of aquatics

This is a really broad term that can be used to refer to any of the following:

  • Series of sports in the Olympics and other international competitions activities include the disciplines of swimming, diving, synchronized swimming, and water polo and open water-swimming.
  • Sports that take place on water, more broadly (including boat racing, water skiing, swimming, etc.)
  • Water-based techniques or modalities used for aquatic therapy.
  • Golfing term occasionally used to describe a water hazard with vegetation at the front of par 3
  • Aquatic plants

For the course of this article, aquatics refers to sports in the Olympics like swimming and water polo

The aquatic industry

Understanding the composition of the Aquatic industry allows for the identification of areas of improvement. It has been positive to observe an increased trend in patronage across WA facilities, reflecting community involvement at their local pool.

Expenditure has also increased, repeating an upwards trend observed over the past five years. Financial outlays are also on the rise when analysed per patron visit.

In 2015 LIWA was the winner of the Western Australian Water Corporation CEO Award for Water Efficiency Leadership, recognising water wise endeavours. Water consumption at WA aquatic facilities is trending downwards, a quantification of increased attempts to be water wise.

Pools are consistently seeking to better serve their communities and provide swimming and water safety lessons for all. It is encouraging that at risk groups including the disabled, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and Cultural and Linguistically Diverse groups are having their needs increasingly catered for at centres around WA.

While overall workforce surpluses are evident across the state, this is not always reflected in individual regions. It will be necessary to work to look at methods of distributing lifeguards, pool operators and swimming teachers across areas of need.

Guidelines for Safe Pool Operation

Management standards and practices provide the managers of public pools and aquatic facilities with useful information about the minimum requirements and best practices in the operation of public pools and aquatic facilities. The Guidelines for Safe Pool Operation (GSPO) is an example of a venue based risk management tool provided as a voluntary guide for operators which assists an operator in satisfying their legislative duties and providing a high standard of care for visitors to their centre.

Operators of aquatic facilities are charged with a responsibility for public and occupational health and safety and they must work within a diverse web of standards, state legislation and industry best practice. Although the GSPO is published by Royal Life Saving, it represents the collective opinion of the aquatics industry and a range of expert personnel across Australia through its development process.

The Guidelines have been primarily designed for application in municipal owned public facilities. However, the Guidelines relate to all facilities in which members of the public are encouraged to attend for recreational, fitness or educational purposes. The Guidelines are intended to be voluntary, acting as a guide to operators on the safe operation of swimming facilities.

The RLSSA Guidelines for Safe Pool Operation clearly set out the requirements for a safe aquatic facility and are a must for managers of aquatic facilities. The GSPO also contains invaluable information for local government, facility owners, architects, engineers, duty managers and pool lifeguards.

The GSPO includes 92 guidelines across the following seven sections of aquatic facility operation:

  1. General Operations
  2. Technical Operations
  3. First Aid
  4. Facility Design
  5. Supervision
  6. Low Patronage Pools
  7. Programs

Royal Life Saving undertakes a regular review of the Guidelines for Safe Pool Operation. The guidelines may also be amended based on coronial recommendations and industry feedback when necessary.

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PixelMate Exhibits & Designs

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Pixelmate Exhibits and Designs caters to the antique industry in the trade fair and stand setup, we have unique designs for this industry and we cater to them and provide all kinds of support and solutions required to make them stand out of the clutter, we cater not only to the fortune 500 but to the start-ups and small and medium enterprise.

Antique industry companies can avail Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs service by writing to them at or logging on to their website

One stop solution to all your exhibition and trade fair needs.

An antique is a collectable item, at least 100 years old. It is collected or desirable because of its age, beauty, rarity, condition, utility, personal emotional connection, and/or other unique features. It is an object that represents a previous era or time period in human society

The common definition of antique is a collectible object such as a piece of furniture or work of art that has a high value because of its considerable age, yet it does in fact vary depending on the source, product, and year. Motor vehicles are an exception to the 100-year rule. The customary definition of antique requires that an item be at least 100 years old and in original condition.

Factors to Keep in Mind When Collecting Antique Art

There are many aspects to consider when buying antique art, but here are the five essential factors to keep in mind:

Condition of the Piece

The condition of an antique is one of the main factors that determines value of it and as such must be the first important factor to consider when buying antiques. Some antique collectors only collect mint condition pieces and will pay those very well who keep their antiques in tip-top condition. Even a very old antique kept in fairly good condition will increase the value of it.

Antiques in mint condition reach large sums because the collector knows that if they also look after it thoroughly then it will still exist for a very long time- which of course only adds more value to the piece.

For serious antique art collectors and investors, the pieces condition is usually the deciding factor over whether to purchase it or not.

Are there any Relevant Current Market Trends That Could Influence the Piece’s Value?

The second essential factor to consider when collecting antique art is the current market trends. Current market trends often influence the value of a piece of antique art. In general, the higher the demand for a piece: the higher the value of it. This is also the case for antiques in low supply because if a piece is in short supply then it is considered rare and adds value to the piece accordingly. Antiques may lose value if they are bought or sold following a boom in that pieces market.

Buy Original Items only

One of the most important factors to consider when purchasing antiques is the authenticity of the piece in consideration. Antique collection is more or less a business these days and there are lots of cons out there trying to defraud investors by selling them reproduced items. In buying any antique art piece, one should conduct adequate research so as not to fall victim fraud. One should buy from established dealers who are members of trusted associations.

Invest only in things you like

There are various reasons that make people invest in antiques either for pleasure or economic value. One mistake most investors make is to pick collectibles for investment purposes only. Pick those antiques that you’ll be happy to have in your home for years to come. See financial value of collectibles as bonuses. This is one secret of successful investors.

Look for rare items

Rare items are usually the most valuable, so invest in antiques that are unusual. Anthea Gesua of Anthea AG Antiques, which specialises in jewellery, said: “Look for the quirky and something with an edge, something that will be noticed, such as animals, an unusual shape or real craftsmanship.”

Check for any Unfamiliar Marks

Any antique art collector should also be looking for any additional features on the piece when considering buying it. These features can be anything from unfamiliar marks to a hidden signature etched on the frame. In a lot of cases, people selling antiques have inherited the piece and as such may not know anything about collecting antiques or may not have carried out any research prior to selling.

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PixelMate Exhibits & Designs

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Pixelmate Exhibits and Designs caters to the animal industry in the trade fair and stand setup, we have unique designs for this industry and we cater to them and provide all kinds of support and solutions required to make them stand out of the clutter, we cater not only to the fortune 500 but to the startups and small and medium enterprise.

Animal industry companies can avail Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs service by writing to them at or logging on to their website

One stop solution to all your exhibition and trade fair needs.


Scientifically speaking, an animal can be defined as a mobile multicellular organism whose cells are not enclosed in rigid cell cells. From time immemorial, there have been interactions between humans and these animals for purposes ranging from sports to companionship.

Lots of people spend their time and money trying to raise animals and most of them end up failing woefully. This is because they fail to use the right approach.

History of Animal Husbandry

Animal husbandry is one of those traditions that have been in existence for thousands of years dating back to the first domestication of animals. The breeding of animals for desirable traits was first established during the British Agricultural Revolution in the 18th century.

In modern times, herds are tended on horses, motorbikes, four-wheel drive vehicles and helicopters depending on the livestock and terrain concerned. Herd managers of today supervise thousands of animals and usually employees. The industry is now developed such that farms and ranches may now employ breeders, herd health specialists, feeders and milkers to help cater for the animals. Animal husbandry is one industry that is both capital and labour intensive.

Here are a few factors to consider when raising animals for whatever purposes.

Factors to Consider in Animal Raising

  • Technical know-how can be acquired through experience or by reading learning materials such as books manuals and others. The knowledge of raising can also be attained by observations or by participation in actual operation as well as by interviewing or asking experts and experienced individual.
  • There are certain things to be considered in raising animals. These are the “technical know-how”, the “market assurance” and the “continued supply” of stock, feeds as well as other supplies that are needed for the operation.
  • Another thing is the market assurance, like other business entrepreneur you should also be assured that you have the specific market for your livestock. Timely disposal of livestock is necessary since they are subject for maturity and having a market assurance is beneficial.
  • The continued supply of stocks, feeds and other supplies are needed for the continued operation. Include with these are the stocks of animals that are going to raise, different kinds of feeds as well as the land or the area for animal raising operation, housing and other necessary equipment.
  • Animal-raising might be a good business to take into but you must be ready for some disadvantages that you might face in the future. Because this business involves living animals, you must consider the fact that your products are vulnerable for disease which could greatly affects the business operation.
  • However, this could be prevented by having proper information in animal handling especially in the proper health care and prevention of such diseases.
  • These includes the knowledge on what kind of diseases could possibly infect the particular animal and what type of medicines will you provide in the case of disease infection.
  • It is also necessary to determine some preventive measures to prevent the spread of the disease. What you just need are proper knowledge and proper implementation in animal raising operation.

Getting an animal whether for recreational purposes or as a business, one should take out time to balance the pros and cons and make sure you’re totally ready for the commitment. Animals constantly demand

  • Attention
  • Dwelling with proper hygiene
  • Adequate feed
  • Treatment in case of disease infection.

Challenges involved in Rearing Animals

Challenges of Animal Husbandry

A few challenges bothering rearing of animals are:

  • Unorganised- livestock sector and marketing.
  • Lack of credible information source.
  • Lack of interest and trust among farmers on technicalities.
  • Lack of knowledge in various sectors like banking, insurance, vaccination, hygiene, marketing etc.
  • Adherence to traditional knowledge
  • Rigid hierarchical structures, leading to lack of innovative methods of providing extension services.
  • Coordination failures at multiple levels, results in inefficient delivery of services.

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PixelMate Exhibits & Designs

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Pixelmate Exhibits and Designs caters to the advertising industry in the trade fair and stand setup, we have unique designs for this industry and we cater to them and provide all kinds of support and solutions required to make them stand out of the clutter, we cater not only to the fortune 500 but to the startups and small and medium enterprise.

Advertising industry companies can avail Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs service by writing to them at or logging on to their website

One stop solution to all your exhibition and trade fair needs.


Advertising is an audio or visual form of marketing that helps involves a sponsored message to sell the products or services of the sponsor. These sponsors are usually businesses who pay the advertising agency for the promotion. Advertisements are usually non-personal messages which are controlled by the advertiser. This should not be confused with public relations whose messages are directed to a particular set of individuals. Advertising can be done through various media channels, including radio channels, Television, direct mail or internet websites. The actual message which ranges from simple graphic images to complex audio-visual messages are usually termed advertisements or “ads”.

The sole purpose of a commercial ad is to increase the advertisers’ “brand value” by associating its product’s name/image with certain qualities in the minds of prospective consumers while direct response ads are used to elicit immediate sales of products or services. There other reasons why advertisements are run. These range from political campaigns to creating public awareness about non-profit organizations.

Evolution of Modern Advertising

Modern advertising can be traced back to the tobacco advertising that ran in the 1920s. The world today obviously doesn’t downplay upon the power of advertising. In 2013 alone, about US$592.43 billion was spent on advertising by business people all over the world. Here’s a history of how advertising became the billion dollar industry it is right now.

The 1920s

Radios were the first form of modern advertising developed. The first ever radio stations were established in the early 1920s by radio equipment manufacturers and retailers who offered programs in order to sell more radios to consumers. This paved the way for non-profit organizations who followed suit in setting up their own gear including various schools, clubs and civic groups into their programs. Soon enough, businesses sponsored radio programs in exchange for a brief mention of their brand name at the beginning and end of the shows. Soon enough, radio station owners realized they could make more money selling those sponsorship rights to multiple businesses throughout their broadcasts.

The 1950s

30 years after the radio stations were set up, the first set of television ads ran. Sponsors exercised enormous control over the content of the shows. This model of single sponsorship is not as prominent in today’s world.

The 1990S

Online advertising contributed a great deal to the dot come boom that occurred in the 1990s. Companies operated on advertising revenues offering incentives ranging from coupons, to free internet access. In the 21st century however, targeted advertising based on consumers’ browsing behavior is the order of the day.

Advertising today has evolved from a few promotional on a TV or radio program. Advertising agencies have a lot of leverage because they help companies generate sales which is basically the life blood of any firm.

Most effective methods of advertising

Now here are the 3 most effective channels of advertising in today’s world

Digital advertising

The human existence has become highly meshed with the internet. The advent of social media platforms like Facebook, twitter, instagram , snapchat have made various individuals go online just to check up on their friends or colleagues hence making the internet a more effective advertisement tool. In today’s world, it is necessary for businesses to take their public relations to the internet as they could reach millions of interested parties within a very short period of time. Various sites now possess slots for advert placements on their web pages as well as payment processors such that million dollar transactions may be carried out on the internet without any stress whatsoever.

One of the most effective channels for online marketing is the use of e-mails. Using this method, the brand sends messages to its prospective consumers enticing them with offers. It is more effective than ad placement because they are directed to interested individuals.

Print advertising

Variety is the spice of advertising. Digital advertising is the most effective mode of advertising in the world today. Prints such as magazines and newspapers still pass off as effective tools for sending out messages to the public.  One common form of print advertising is classified advertising where companies purchase a small and narrowly targeted ad paid by the word or line.

Guerrilla Advertising

This is more of a style of advertising than a media. It involves enticing the consumer with some quality product or service and then invite them to join a community where they would most likely buy products.

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PixelMate Exhibits & Designs

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Exhibition Stand Design & Setup for Trade Fairs for Analytics

Exhibition Stand Design & Setup for Trade Fairs for Analytics

Pixelmate Exhibits and Designs caters to the analytics industry in the trade fair and stand setup, we have unique designs for this industry and we cater to them and provide all kinds of support and solutions required to make them stand out of the clutter, we cater not only to the fortune 500 but to the start-ups and small and medium enterprise.

Companies in the analytics industry can avail Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs service by writing to them at  or logging on to their website

One stop solution to all your exhibition and trade fair needs.

Analytics can simply be defined as the discovery, communication and interpretation of meaningful patterns in data. They are highly utilized in modern marketing campaigns as various organizations use these fascinating tools to describe, predict and improve business performance.

Analytics can be used to identify highly valuable patterns in a business’ mode of operation. They have quite an outstanding influence on corporate decision. In the twentieth century only large companies could carry out demographic research. In today’s world however, penniless start-ups could easily carry out analysis using any of the cheaply available tools.

Meaningful Application of Analytics

Marketing optimization

The process of marketing has evolved a great deal in the last few decades from the simple creative process it used to be to a complex process data-driven-process. Marketing organizations use analytic tools to measure the successes of their campaigns or guide investment and consumer targeting. Demographic studies , consumer segmentation and other techniques help marketers understand consumer preference better.

Web analytics give marketers access to session-level information regarding information about a website through the process of sessionization. Free analytics tools like Google analytics provide marketers with relevant information like consumer browsing history, search keywords, IP addresses. The marketing corporations can then utilize this information to create an ideal campaign plan which may include improvement of web content. Analytics tools helps marketers carry out effective and targeted marketing plans.

Portfolio analytics

This is one common application of business analytics. This is used by financial institutions to evaluate various accounts before offering credit or loans. The analytics is used to make decisions on whether or not to lend money to accounts. Parameters like risk factors and interest rates are used in this evaluation.

Risk analytics

This is the basis on which credit scores are formulated. These models are developed to bring certainty across the risk scores for individual customer. Using this system, the credit worthiness of each applicant is ascertained. This analytics system is also used in the financial institutions to analyse if a transaction is genuine or fraudulent.

Digital analytics

This is a set of business and technical activities that define, create, collect and transform digital data into research recommendations, predictions and automations. This also includes the SEO where the keyword search is tracked and that data is used for marketing purposes.

Step-by-step Guide on how to use Google Analytics for Marketing Purposes

Here is a guide on using the most common analytics tool available

This platform can prove to be difficult to crack at first trial. If however properly leveraged correctly, Google analytics can provide marketers with invaluable insight about the types of people visiting a particular website as well as relevant information like their browsing history and pages they spend most time on. Marketers can use this to enhance their strategy. Here’s how one can use Google analytics tool.

Here’s a brief description of the Google analytics platform and how it works.

The platform has three sections that matter most to marketers and these are: acquisition, audience and behaviour

The acquisition section will provide relevant information on the route people take to get to your site which may be search engine, social media site or backlinks from other sites.

The behaviour section gives you insight about how people are interacting with your site. On this page you’ll know about those pages and posts that are most popular.

The audience section gives you information about the visitors to your site. In this segment, you get percentage analysis of visitors’ classified based on gender, age, occupation, etc.

Using  the information gotten from these three categories, one can perform “smarketing” (smart marketing); optimizing those channels which generate most leads, optimise those posts that your visitors are most interested in and create content that’s relevant to your audience.

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PixelMate Exhibits & Designs

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Exhibition Stand Design & Setup For Alternative-Medicine-Events-and-Trade-Shows

Exhibition Stand Design & Setup For Alternative-Medicine-Events-and-Trade-Shows

 Pixelmate Exhibits and Designs caters to the alternative medicine industry in the trade fair and stand setup, we have unique designs for this industry and we cater to them and provide all kinds of support and solutions required to make them stand out of the clutter, we cater not only to the fortune 500 but to the start-ups and small and medium enterprise.

Alternative medicine industry companies can avail Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs service by writing to them at  or logging on to their website

One stop solution to all your exhibition and trade fair needs. Alternative medicine or fringe medicine are practices claimed to have the healing effects of medicine but which are disproven, unproven, or impossible to prove, or are excessively harmful in relation to their effect; and where the scientific consensus is that the therapy does not, or cannot, work because the known laws of nature are violated by its basic claims; or where it is considered so much worse than conventional treatment that it would be unethical to offer as treatment. Alternative therapies or diagnoses are not part of medicine or science-based healthcare systems.

Alternative medicine consists of a wide variety of practices, products, and therapies—ranging from those that are biologically plausible but not well tested, to those with known harmful and toxic effects. Contrary to popular belief, significant expense is paid to test alternative medicine, including over $2.5 billion spent by the United States government. Almost none show any effect beyond that of false treatment. Perceived effects of alternative medicine may be caused by placebo; decreased effect of functional treatment (and therefore potentially decreased side effects); and regression toward the mean where improvement that would have occurred anyway is credited to alternative therapies; or any combination of the above. Alternative treatments are neither the same as experimental medicine, nor traditional medicine — although the latter, when used today may be considered alternative.

Alternative medicine has grown in popularity and is used by a significant percentage of the population in many countries. While it has extensively rebranded itself: from quackery to complementary or integrative medicine—it promotes essentially the same practices. Newer proponents often suggest alternative medicine be used together with functional medical treatment, in a belief that it “complements” (improves the effect of, or mitigates the side effects of) the treatment. There is no evidence showing they do so, and significant drug interactions caused by alternative therapies may instead negatively influence treatments, making them less effective, notably cancer therapy. Despite being illegal to market alternative therapies for cancer treatment in most of the developed world, many cancer patients use them.

Benefits of Alternative Medicine

Here are a few reasons why people turn to alternative medicine


Many people turn to alternative medicine therapies for pain relief when traditional treatments fail to work. Alternative medicine also offers treatment options to individuals who do not have access to pain clinics under their health insurance plans.


Alternative medicine therapies used together with conventional medical treatments can alleviate some of the symptoms of cancer, as well as lessen the negative side effects of conventional medical treatments. Chemotherapy, although effective in increasing the survival rate of many cancer patients, can produce unpleasant side effects. Some cancer patients are able to tolerate chemotherapy treatments better when using an alternative treatment such as acupuncture to control side effects like fatigue, headache, nausea, vomiting, night sweats and aching.


Alternative medicine therapies can be less expensive than conventional medical treatments. Although some alternative therapies are not cheap, many herbal remedies and other natural treatments still cost less than prescription medications and treatments. Acupuncture and chiropractic sessions can cost significantly less than conventional pain therapy treatments.

Side Effects

In most cases, effective alternative therapies have fewer or no side effects as opposed to the frequent and sometimes severe effects of many prescription medications and other conventional medical treatments. But depending on what medical conditions a person might have, even natural remedies and other alternative therapies can sometimes cause adverse side effects.

Mental Health

Alternative medicine can be beneficial to a person’s overall well being, as the approach focuses on healing the mind, body and spirit. Treatment methods such as massage therapy, biofeedback, meditation and visual imagery help a person to relax and reduce stress. Art and music therapies are used to relieve symptoms of depression and schizophrenia by stimulating the natural release of endorphins and opiates in the body, in addition to helping individuals let go of deeply repressed emotions.

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Exhibition Stand Design & Setup for Agriculture -TRADE-SHOW

Exhibition Stand Design & Setup for Agriculture-TRADE-SHOW

Pixelmate Exhibits and Designs caters to the agriculture industry in the trade fair and stand setup, we have unique designs for this industry and we cater to them and provide all kinds of support and solutions required to make them stand out of the clutter, we cater not only to the fortune 500 but to the startups and small and medium enterprise.

Agriculture industry companies can avail Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs service by writing to them at  or logging on to their website

One stop solution to all your exhibition and trade fair needs.

 Agriculture is simply the cultivation and breeding of animals, plants and various fungi for valuable resources like food, fiber, biofuel, medicine for enhancement of human life. Agriculture played a key role in the development of sedentary human civilization. Agriculture dates back thousands of years; probably as old as human existence and has evolved a great deal with changing climates, machinery and technologies. Industrial agriculture based on large-scale monoculture farming has become the dominant agricultural methodology.

Even though agricultural practices such as plant breeding, modern agronomy, technological advancement and use of agrochemicals like pesticides and fertilizers have greatly increased yields from cultivation, they have also caused dramatic environmental pollution and detrimental human health changes.

Major challenges of modern agriculture include:

  • Environmental pollution

This stems from the fact that the environment is adversely affected by some agricultural practices such as bush burning, use of pesticides and fertilizers. These practices make the natural ecosystem inhabitable for human life and living organisms in general. The green revolution is based on the premise that all methods of farming should be environment friendly and this is a ‘problem’ because farmers have to come up with safer techniques and facilities and techniques which may be more expensive or difficult to understand. Global warming and climatic changes which are brought about by various industrial practices are also believed to limit the rate of agricultural expansion.

  • Serious land degradation

About 40% of the world’s agricultural land is seriously degraded. The situation is worse in Africa.  As a matter of fact, studies by the Ghana-based UN Institute for Natural Resources in Africa show that if this trend of soil degradation continues, then by 2025 the continent might just be able to sustain about 25% of its populace only.

Major progress in the Agricultural Sector

  • Mechanized Farming   Agricultural yield has been greatly improved with the introduction of mechanized farming. Machines like tractors, troughs and chisels have replaced the less effective tools like cutlasses, hoes, etc. mechanized farming has made commercial agriculture possible in the world of today.
  • Genetic Engineering    Advancements in the field of genetics have been employed in the agricultural sector and used to improve crop and animal production. Genetically modified plant and animal species are usually more cost effective than traditional ones.

Agricultural products

Agricultural products can be broadly divided into:

  • Food: food products include cereals (grains), vegetables, fruits, oils, meat and dairy products.
  • Fibers: cotton, wool, hemp, silk and flax are typical examples of fibers gotten from agriculture.
  • Raw materials: the lumber and medical industries are typical examples of industries that get their raw materials from agriculture. As a matter of fact, regulations have been put in place in different countries to prevent exploitation of forest reserves for lumbering purposes. Resins, dyes, perfumes and ornamental products are also valuable resources gotten from agriculture.

The Future of Agriculture

Ever since the inception of certified organic food in 1991, the growth of organic farming has renewed research in alternative food technologies such as integrated pest management and selective breeding. The stakes grew higher in 2007, where the higher incentives for farmers to grow non-food biofuel crops combined with a host of factors such as rising transportation cost, climate change, growing consumer demand in China and India and population growth caused food shortages and increased food prices around the globe.

The future of the agricultural sector doesn’t seem bleak at all. Agriculture currently employs over a third of the world’s working populace. World governments are continuously trying to encourage investment in their agricultural sectors.

For instance, the Indian government is currently working on a plan to boost agricultural produce and double farmers’ income by 2022. Even countries like Nigeria with abundance of oil have been recently started working on different plans to make agriculture the mainstay of their economies because food production is instrumental in the success of any economy.

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Exhibition Stand Design & Setup for Trade Fairs for Agricultural Machinery

Exhibition Stand Design & Setup for Trade Fairs for Agricultural Machinery

Pixelmate Exhibits and Designs caters to the farm machinery industry in the trade fair and stand setup, we have unique designs for this industry and we cater to them and provide all kinds of support and solutions required to make them stand out of the clutter, we cater not only to the fortune 500 but to the startups and small and medium enterprise.

Companies in the agricultural machinery industry can avail Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs service by writing to them at or logging on to their website www.pixelateindia .com.

One stop solution to all your exhibition and trade fair needs.

Agricultural machinery is defined as machinery used in farming and carrying out other agricultural operations. Agricultural machinery includes a wide array of equipment ranging from simple hand tools to power implements like tractors and ploughs. There are various farm machinery used in both organic and inorganic farming. Mechanized farming has played a large role in the evolution of modern agriculture

History of agricultural machinery

Farming methods took a great leap forward with the advent of the industrial revolution and development of complicated machines. This was due to the fact that the machines made farming operations a lot easier and were far more effective than the traditional methods of farming. Operations like harvesting and planting could now be done with machines instead of using hand tools like a sharp blade or a sickle. Separation of farm produce was made easier with the introduction of the threshing machine. The first tractors appeared in the late 19th century.

The steam power engine came first and took over the heavy pulling work of the oxen. Internal combustion engines (petrol and diesel engines) gradually became the main source of power for the next generation of tractors. These engines contributed greatly to the development of the self-propelled, combined harvester and thresher. This machine could cut thresh and separate grains while moving through the field.


Important Farm Machinery


The Tractor

Modern day farming basically revolves around the tractor. It was born out of the inability of human labor and farm animals to cope with large farm implements. The self-propelled tractor model runs on gasoline unlike its predecessor which ran on a steam-powered engine. the tractor is mainly upgraded in response to upgrades of other farm implements.

The Plow

The plow is the primary equipment for preparing the soil for planting. It basically consists of one or more curved blades (mold boards) which can be varied in degrees of depth. These blades turn the soil uprooting weeds and expelling stones.

Combine Harvester

Combine harvesters take proper care of the harvesting process. They remove grains from the stalks which have been taken from the ground and then shake the excess debris from the grain. This process of threshing and cleaning confers the ‘name’ on the implement.

Irrigation Equipment

One important attribute of modern agriculture is the use of irrigation which is totally dependent on specialized engine gear and pumps which provide a high volume of water to a large expanse of farm land in very little time. These implements are quite similar to those used in delivering fertilizers and pesticides.

Other Equipment

Farm mechanization is not limited to the tractor alone. As a matter of fact it has developed to the use of trucks and other vehicles. Airplanes and helicopters are utilized for transporting crops and seedlings and increasing mobility of equipment.

The future of farm mechanization

Farm mechanization has evolved over the past hundred years. With the computer revolution, came astounding development in all sectors of human endeavor and the agricultural sector wasn’t exempted to this development. Computer-monitoring systems are now being used in carrying out farming operations. Automated programs are more precise in carrying out farming operations. They are at least three to four times more cost-effective than traditional implements. As a matter of fact, driverless tractors may take over the industry in the industry in the nearest future.

Challenges of using farm machinery

Here are two major issues about farm mechanization.

Small farm size

The large conversion of agricultural to meet housing, industrial and recreational purposes has greatly limited the ability to practice farm mechanization. First of all, farm machines are usually large and conspicuous and would not be as effective on small parcels of land.

Decrease in supply of labor

In recent years, the agricultural sector has suffered serious neglect in terms of availability of labor. Individuals now prefer to work in industries that require high level of sophistication and expertise like the medical and tech industries.

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Friday 21 April 2017



Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs caters to the dog industry in the trade fair and stand setup we have unique designs for this industry and we cater to them and provide all kind of support and solution required to make them stand out of the clutter, we cater not only to the fortune 500 but to the start ups and small and medium enterprise.

Dog industry companies can avail Pixelmate Exhibits & Design service by writing to them at or logging on to their website

One stop solution to all your exhibition and trade fair needs.

Domestic Dog is an associate member of the genus Canis (dogs) which form part of the wolves such as canids and most widely abundant carnivore. Dog and existing gray wolf is sister taxa with modern wolves are not closely related to wolves that were first domesticated. The dog was the intial domesticated species and is selectively bred for millennia for many behaviors, physical characteristics, and sensory capabilities.

His long association with people brought a dog to be in accordance with human behavior and is able to grow on a diet rich in starch which would be inappropriate for other canid species. Dogs vary widely in color, size and shape. Dogs perform many roles for people, such as animal husbandry, hunting, protection, pulling loads, assist the military and police, companionship, and, more recently, assisting people with disabilities. This impact on human society has given them the nickname “man’s best friend”.

The word “domestic dog” is generally used for wild species and domestic variety. The English word dog comes from Middle English dogge, from old English docga is a “powerful dog breed” the concept can possibly be derived from the proto-Germanic dukkōn represented in the fingers docce Old English. It also shows known name diminutive, also seen in animal Frogga “frog”, picga “pig,” Stagga “deer” wicga “beetle, worm”, among others. The term dog may be derived ultimately from the first layer of Proto-Indo-European vocabulary.

In England in the fourteenth century, the dog (from Old English: Hund) was a universal term for all domestic dogs and dog refers to a dog subtype of hund, a group involving the mastiff. It is understood that this kind of “dog” is so common that it eventually became a prototype of the division “hound”, by the 16th century, the dog became the general terms, and hound began to refer only to the kind use for hunting. The term hound is uniquely derived from the words at the end of the Proto-Indo-European term *Kwon, “dog” This semantic change can be compared to German, where the corresponding terms Hund and Dogge kept their initial meanings.

Male dog is described as a dog, a female dog is called a bitch. Father of litter is referring to the father and the mother is called the dam. (Bicqué Middle English, The process of birth is whelping, an old English word whelp; The modern English word “Pug” is another term for a puppy. Litter refers to multiple offspring in one birth which are refers to pups or puppies French poupee “doll”, which replaces most of the time the old term “Pug.

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Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs caters to the diving industry in the trade fair and stand setup we have unique designs for this industry and we cater to them and provide all kind of support and solution required to make them stand out of the clutter, we cater not only to the fortune 500 but to the start ups and small and medium enterprise.

Diving industry companies can avail Pixelmate Exhibits & Design service by writing to them at or logging on to their website

One stop solution to all your exhibition and trade fair needs.

Diving is the sport of falling or jumping into water from a springboard or platform, typically while performing acrobatics. Diving is a globally recognized game that is a division of the Olympic Games. In addition, non-competitive and unstructured diving is a recreational activity.

Diving is one of the most common Olympic Games with spectators. Competitors have many of the similar features as dancers and gymnasts, including flexibility, strength, air awareness, and kinaesthetic judgment. Some expert divers were initially dancer and gymnasts as both games have similar features to diving. Dmitri Sautin maintain the title for most Olympic diving medals won, by securing eight medals in between 1992 and 2008.

Most diving competitions comprise of three areas: the platform and 1 m and 3 m springboards. Competitive athletes are categorized by age group, and often by gender. In platform events, competitors are enable to execute their dives on either the seven and a half (generally just called seven), five, nine, or ten meter towers. In main diving competition, including the World Championships and the Olympics Game, platform diving is from the 10 meter height.

Divers need to carry out a number of dives in relation to established rules, including twists and somersaults. Divers are examined on whether and how well they concluded all areas of the dive, the consistency of their body to the rules of the dive, and the total of splash produced by their entry to the water. A probable score out of ten is smashed down into three points for the takeoff, three for the flight (the real dive), and three for the entry (how the diver hits the water), with one more obtainable to provide the judges flexibility.

The fresh score is multiplied by a complex factor, obtained from the figure and combination of movements aimed. The diver with the highest maximum point after a sequence of dives is stated the winner.

Synchronized diving was chosen as an Olympic game in 2000. Two divers make a team and execute dives at the same time. The dives are the same. It used to be probable to dive opposites, also describes as a pinwheel, but this is no longer part of competitive synchronized diving. For example, one diver would perform a forward dive and the other an inward dive in the similar spot, or one would do a turn around and the other a back movement. In this sport, the diving would be examined both on the quality of execution and the synchronicity – in timing of take-off and entry, forward travel and height.

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Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs caters to the disable citizen industry in the trade fair and stand setup we have unique designs for this industry and we cater to them and provide all kind of support and solution required to make them stand out of the clutter, we cater not only to the fortune 500 but to the start ups and small and medium enterprise.

Disable citizen industry companies can avail Pixelmate Exhibits & Design service by writing to them at or logging on to their website

One stop solution to all your exhibition and trade fair needs.

Disability is a words often used for social status recognized as a result of physical or mental impairment identified primarily through medical procedures. Several are present at birth, while other defects occur in different stages of life of an individual or a manifestation of genetic or as a result of the dispute such as accidents or war, examples are varying degrees of blindness variables, deafness, speech disorder (from aphasia) and loss of limbs. Chronic diseases also should be added to this group. Typically, prosthetic devices such as sign language, magnifiers, Braille, crutches, hearing aids, wheelchairs and other similar devices are designed to improve the shortcomings of life experienced by people with disabilities.

The Constitution of the International Disability (1981) describes disability as “the limitation or loss or of physical function, mental or sensory long-term or permanent” disability is defined as “limitation or loss or of opportunities to participate in the normal life of the community on an equal basis with others due to social and physical barriers.

Since all serious obstacles that lead to disabilities appears to be from a medical condition historically recognized disability studies are based on the medical model focuses almost exclusively on the individual. After the medical model, people with disabilities are separate from “normal” people and considered flawed, not self-efficacy, which needs attention.

Persons with disabilities are defined by their weaknesses, in what they cannot do, rather than what they could do. Society as a whole has not attempted to blend to theNeeds of people with disabilities, to integrate rather than isolate them at home or in institutions. The decline was discovered as a problem, and people with disabilities are simply restricted to being passive recipients of drugs, medication, attention and targeted specific assistance through government intervention or charity. Today, as befits a medical model, it is believed that people with disabilities need rehabilitation. They are subject to stereotypes and negative prejudices by the rest of society. In addition, the ubiquitous built environment limits their mobility, access to recreation and employment.

The individual speech on disability associated with the attitudes of the World Health Organization, such as the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. It owes its existence to the advancement of science and medicine to people with disabilities in the medical category for the convenience of doctors and other health expert. This, though extremely appropriate and practical at the time, and was later known by people with disabilities as a situation of oppression. They are felt themselves labeled powerless and manipulated against their own body and personality.

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Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs caters to the design industry in the trade fair and stand setup we have unique designs for this industry and we cater to them and provide all kind of support and solution required to make them stand out of the clutter, we cater not only to the fortune 500 but to the start ups and small and medium enterprise.

Design industry companies can avail Pixelmate Exhibits & Design service by writing to them at or logging on to their website

One stop solution to all your exhibition and trade fair needs.

design is wide and varied, but can be described as the production of convention or a plan for the construction of an object, system or quantifiable human interaction (as in circuit diagrams, architectural plans, business processes, sewing patterns and engineering drawings)  design has several meaning in different areas. For instance, the direct construction of an object (such as engineering, ceramics, coding, management, and design) is also regarded to use design thinking.

Design usually requires considering functional, aesthetic, economic and social political dimensions of both design process and design object. This may include significant research, modeling, thought, re-design and interactive adjustment. In the meantime, we can create different types of objects, including graphical interfaces, clothing, corporate identity, skyscrapers, and even business process design processes and methods.

Thus, “design” can be a noun describing a categorical abstraction of a thing or things that is created (some designs) or a verb in the creative process as it is clearly shown the grammatical context. It is an act of innovation and creativity and as a result the economic significance of design in the society cannot be over- emphasize

Another definition for design is a strategic approach or roadmap for someone to attain a distinctive expectation. Defines specifications, activities, plans, parameters, costs, processes and what and how to do in the legal, political, environmental, safety social, and economic to attain those goals.

Here, the “specification” can manifest as a plan or the finished product, and “primitive” elements of design object made. With such a broad indication, there is no universal language or a unique institution for designers of all disciplines. This allows different philosophies and approaches to the topic.

The concept of person designing is called a designer, which is also a words used for people who work professionally in one of the field of design usually indicate that the area (as a fashion designer, website designer, interior designer or concept designer). The sequence of activities is called the design process, while the scientific design of the study is called the design science.

Design allows for the production of an object, system, component or structure. Thus, the word “design” can be used as a noun or verb. In a wider sense, the design is an applied art and engineering that integrate with technology. Although the definition of design is quite wide, design has a myriad of specifications that are used by professionals in their fields.

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Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs caters to the dentistry industry in the trade fair and stand setup we have unique designs for this industry and we cater to them and provide all kind of support and solution required to make them stand out of the clutter, we cater not only to the fortune 500 but to the start ups and small and medium enterprise.

Dentistry industry companies can avail Pixelmate Exhibits & Design service by writing to them at or logging on to their website

One stop solution to all your exhibition and trade fair needs.

The word dentistry comes from odentology, is the study of the abnormalities, development, and structure, of the teeth. Due to its significant overlap in concept, is often heard that the dentistry now subsumes the now biggest obsolete medical specialty of stomatology (study of the mouth and its diseases and disorders), so that the two terms are used interchangeably in some areas.

Dentists also hearten prevention of oral diseases through regular, twice a year, check-ups for professional and cleaning and evaluation and proper hygiene. Conditions in the oral cavity can be a signed of systemic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis. Many studies have also revealed that gum disease is related with increased risk of preterm birth, heart disease and diabetes. The idea that oral health can affect the health and systemic disease is known as “Oral-systemic health”.

Some dentists perform additional training to its original degree in order to specialize. Generally, subjects that are been approved by dental registration organizations depends on the location. Oral diseases are important public health problems because of its high incidence and prevalence in the world.

Here are some examples:

  • Dental Public Health: the study of Epidemiological research and relevant social health policies for oral health
  • Conservative Dentistry and Endodontic: The Art and Science of renewing and function of the tooth when affected by non carious and carious lesions affecting the teeth, before it destroys the pulp or root canal is refer to as conservative dentistry. When the root canal is included, the specialty is referring to as endodontic. This degree of specialization is awarded in India
  • Endodontic (also refer to endodontology): root canal therapy and periapical tissues and study of diseases of pulp.
  • Forensic dentistry: Collection and use of dental evidence in law. This can be done by a dentist with training or experience in this area. Forensic dentist function is primarily verification and documentation of identity.
  • Geriatric Dentistry or Geriodontics: Providing dental care for the elderly which includes diagnostics, prevention and treatment of problems associated with normal aging and age-related part of the interdisciplinary team with other professionals of health diseases.
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology: The study, diagnosis and the treatment of certain diseases and maxillofacial oral.
  • Oral and maxillofacial radiology: Interpretation and radiological study of oral and maxillofacial diseases.
  • Maxillofacial Surgery (also called oral surgery): extractions, implants and surgery of the jaw, face and mouth.
  • Oral biology: Research in Dental and Craniofacial Biology

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Trade show display


Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs caters to the dental medicine industry in the trade fair and stand setup we have unique designs for this industry and we cater to them and provide all kind of support and solution required to make them stand out of the clutter, we cater not only to the fortune 500 but to the start ups and small and medium enterprise.

Dental medicine industry companies can avail Pixelmate Exhibits & Design service by writing to them at or logging on to their website

One stop solution to all your exhibition and trade fair needs.

Dental medicine is the division of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, study, prevention and treatment of diseases, conditions and disorders of the oral cavity, typically the teeth, but also in oral mucosa and the surrounding tissues and related structures and especially in the maxillofacial area (face and mandible), while most related to teeth among  the general population, the area of ​​dental medicine or dentistry is not restricted to the teeth, but includes other difficult parts, including caniofacial,  temperomandibular and other supporting structures, dentistry is significant for the total health. Dental therapy is carrying out his functions with dental equipment, which usually perform by dentist and dental assistants (dental hygienists, dental assistants, dental therapists and dental technicians). Most dentists work in private practice (primary care), dental hospitals and secondary care (barracks, prisons, etc.).

The history of dentistry is almost as old as the history of mankind and the earliest evidence of civilization dating back to 7000 years BC. Remain from the first period of the Harappan civilization of the Indus Valley (C. 3300 BC) shows sign of teeth that are drilled dating back 9,000 years. It is believed that the first dental operation was the initial specialization from medicine.

Dentists usually includes very significant in connection with the practice of the oral cavity. Oral diseases are important public health problems because of its high incidence and prevalence in the world. Most dental treatments are performed for prevention or treatment of the two most popular oral diseases which includes dental cavities (tooth decay) and periodontal disease (pyorrhea or gum disease). Popular treatments include extraction or surgical removal of teeth, restoration of teeth, and endodontic treatment channel. All dentists in the United States undergo minimum of three years of undergraduate study, but almost finish a university degree. This training followed by four years of Dental Medicine in order to qualify as “Doctor of Dental Surgery” (DDS) or “dentist” (DMD). Dentists must complete the training and additional qualifications to perform more complex treatments such as oral surgery sedation, dental implants and maxillofacial. By nature of their general training, can perform most dental procedures such as restorative (fillings, bridges, crowns,), endodontic treatment (canal),prosthetics (dentures), periodontal therapy (tires) and tooth extraction and conducting examinations, X-rays (x- rays) and diagnosis. Dentists can also recommend medications such as antibiotics, sedatives and other drugs used in the treatment of patients.

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Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs caters to the defense security technology industry in the trade fair and stand setup we have unique designs for this industry and we cater to them and provide all kind of support and solution required to make them stand out of the clutter, we cater not only to the fortune 500 but to the start ups and small and medium enterprise.

Defense security technology industry companies can avail Pixelmate Exhibits & Design service by writing to them at or logging on to their website

One stop solution to all your exhibition and trade fair needs.

Military technology is the application of technology used in the war. This includes the types of technologies that are clearly military in nature, not civilians in the application, most often due to a lackof relevant civil or legal requirement or dangerous to use without proper military training.

Military technology is usually develop and researched by engineers and scientists particularly for use in the war for the armed forces. Several new technologies have emerged as a result of military science funding. Engineering weapons design, testing, development, and managing the life cycle of weapons and military systems. It is based on the knowledge of several of the traditional engineering disciplines, including electro-optical engineering, electrical engineering, mechatronics, aerospace engineering, materials and chemical engineering.

The line is porous; military inventions were put into civilian use throughout history, with some minor changes, if any, and civil innovation are also used for military purposes.

Adequate research and development is being conducted in military innovation and technology than any industry or any other field. The evolution of battlefield happened immediately before us, however, many people do not know how advanced military weapons of the United States and its allies became. Battlefields in the fight against our soldiers took drones called predators and MQ-9 Reapers, and a variety of unmanned ground vehicles and swords weapons systems. We cannot forget the progress in the fighter technology with the F-22 Raptor to be at the forefront of innovation in aviation.

The evolution of military technology has allowed the US military to move to a large number of soldiers applying prejudice precision weapons unmanned technology. In the near future our battlefields may seem Terminator film to fight against each other and operate robots with artificial intelligence. Machines deployed in hostile territory will actually interconnected and communicate with soldiers and commanders to warn of enemy positions or suspicious activity. Furthermore airborne laser systems like yal-1A US Air Force developed to make our skies without ballistic missile threats.  Technology rifle and pistol developed at an incredible pace with applications such as the British sniper  individual goal on weapons, war technology that soldiers will be  working with in the future includes improving rifles and ammunition, and assault as well as better and lighter armor, such as system dragon skin. There are many new applications weapons systems that appear to be further away from life, but are being developed as we speak.

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Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs caters to the defense industry in the trade fair and stand setup we have unique designs for this industry and we cater to them and provide all kind of support and solution required to make them stand out of the clutter, we cater not only to the fortune 500 but to the start ups and small and medium enterprise.

Defense industry companies can avail Pixelmate Exhibits & Design service by writing to them at or logging on to their website

One stop solution to all your exhibition and trade fair needs.

The defense industry can also be described as the arm industry is an international industry task with the production and sales of ammunition and military technology. It comprises of a commercial industry concerned with the engineering, research and development, servicing and production, of military material, facilities and equipment. Arms-manufacturing industry could also be referred to as defense contractors, military industry, or as the arms dealers, manufacture ammunition mostly for the armed forces of nations. Departments of government also function in the arms industry, buying and selling ammunition, weapons, and other military items. An arsenal is a place where ammunition and arms are produced, repair and maintained, issued or stored, in any combination, whether publicly or privately owned. Products include missiles, guns, military aircraft, artillery, ammunition, military vehicles , ships, electronic systems, holographic weapon sights, night vision devices, laser sights, , landmines, laser rangefinders,  hand grenades and more. The arms industry also renders other operational and logistical and support.

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) approximated in 2012 that 2012 military expenses were around 1.8 trillion usd. This constitutes a comparative decline from 1990 when military expenses made up 4% of global GDP. Fraction of the fund goes to the purchase of military services and hardware from the military industry. The collective arms sales of the top 100 biggest arms-manufacturing industry resulted to an estimated $395 billion in 2012 according to SIPRI. In 2004 over $30 billion were incurred in the global arms trade (a figure that precludes local sales of arms). According to SIPRI, the quantity of global transfers of main weapons in 2010–14 was 16 per cent more than in 2005–2009. The fifth largest exporters in 2010–2014 were the United States, China Russia, France and Germany, and the fifth largest importers were Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia, China, and United Arab Emirates.

Various industrialized countries have a local arms-industry to provide their own military equipment. Some nations also have a considerable legal or illegal local trade in ammunition for use by its populace. Illegal business in small arms happens in many regions and countries affected by political volatility. The Small Arms Survey approximates that 875 million small ammunitions circulate worldwide, manufacture by more than 1,000 industries from nearly 100 countries.

Contracts to supply a specific nation’s military are grants by governments, making arms contracts of considerable political significance. The link between arms trade and politics can metamorphose in to the growth of what United State. President Dwight D. Eisenhower defined as a military-industrial complex, where the commerce, armed forces, and politics become closely linked.

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