Thursday 6 April 2017



Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs caters to the culture industry in the trade fair and stand setup we have unique designs for this industry and we cater to them and provide all kind of support and solution required to make them stand out of the clutter, we cater not only to the fortune 500 but to the start ups and small and medium enterprise.

Culture industry companies can avail Pixelmate Exhibits & Design service by writing to them at or logging on to their website

One stop solution to all your exhibition and trade fair needs.

Culture may be described in several ways. In the terms of anthropologist E.B. Tylor, it is “that complex whole which includes art, belief, knowledge, morals, custom, law, and any other habit and capabilities obtained by man as a member of particular society. Alternatively, in a modern form, “Culture is describe as a social area that emphasizes the discourses, practices and material expressions, which, over the period, state the continuities and discontinuities of social implication of a life held in common.

As a describing areas of what it depicts to be human, culture is a central idea in anthropology, encompassing the variety of event that are communicated through social learning in human societies. The term is employ in a universal sense as the evolved capacity to represent and categorize experiences with symbols and to act creatively and imaginatively. This capacity emerged with the development of behavioral modernity in humans around 50,000 years ago, and is frequently belief to be peculiar to humans, although some other types have established similar, but much less difficult, capacity for social learning. It is also used to describe the difficult networks of practices and gather ideas and knowledge that is communicated through social interaction and exist in particular human cultures, or groups, Some areas of human character, such as language, social practices such as marriage, gender, kinship, expressive types such as religion, dance, art, music and ritual, and technologies such as clothing, shelter, and cooking are said to be cultural universals, seen in all human societies. The idea of material culture entails the physical expressions of culture, such as art, architecture, and technology, whereas the immaterial areas of culture such as principles of social organization (including practices of social institution and political organization, literature, philosophy, mythology (both oral and written and), and science comprises of the intangible cultural heritage of a society.

In the humanities, one aspect of culture as features of the individual has been the extent to which they have improved a specific level of sophistication in the education, manners, arts, or sciences. The stage of cultural knowledge has also on occasion been seen to differentiate civilizations from less complex community. Such ranking view on culture are also discovered in class-based differentiate between a high culture of the social elite and a low culture, folk culture or popular culture, or  of the lower classes, distinguished by the stratified access to cultural capital.

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PixelMate Exhibits & Designs

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