Thursday 6 April 2017



Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs caters to the dance industry in the trade fair and stand setup we have unique designs for this industry and we cater to them and provide all kind of support and solution required to make them stand out of the clutter, we cater not only to the fortune 500 but to the start ups and small and medium enterprise.

Dance industry companies can avail Pixelmate Exhibits & Design service by writing to them at or logging on to their website

One stop solution to all your exhibition and trade fair needs.

Dance is a demonstration art type comprises of purposefully chosen sequences of human movement. This movement has symbolic and aesthetic value, and is recognized as dance by observers and performers within a specific culture. Dance may be described and categorized by its choreography, by its historical period or place of origin or by its repertoire of movements.

A significant difference is to be haggard between the participatory dance and contexts of theatrical and although these two classifications are not always entirely separate; both can have particular purposes, whether social, competitive, ceremonial, martial, sacred/liturgical or erotic,. Other types of human movement are on occasion said to have a dance-like quality, including gymnastics, synchronized swimming, martial arts, figure skating, and many other forms of athletics.

Theatrical dance, also referred to concert or performance dances, is intended principally as a spectacle, frequently a performance upon a stage by virtuoso dancers. It frequently tells a story, possibly using scenery, costume, and mime, or otherwise it can basically interpret the musical support which is usually specially composed. Examples are modern dance and western ballet, Classical Indian dance and Japanese song, Chinese and dance dramas. Most classical types are based upon dance alone, but performance dance can also emerge in opera and other types of musical theatre.

Participatory dance, on the other hand, whether it be a group dance, a social dance, a folk dance, such as a chain or square dance, circle, line, or a partner dance such as it is frequent in western ballroom dancing, Is undertaken principally for the same reason , such as exercise or social interaction of dancers rather than spectators. Such dance rarely has any narrative. A group dance, a social partner dance corps de ballet, and a pas de deux, differ greatly. Even a solo dance can be undertaken exclusively for the happiness of the dancer. Participatory dancers frequently employ the same steps and movements but, for example, in the jabber culture of electronic dance music, huge crowds can involve in free dance, awkward with people around them. On the other hand, several cultures set down stern set of laws as to the specific dances in which, for example, men, women and children may or must participate.

References to dance can be established in very early documented history; Greek dance (horos) is referred to by Aristotle, Plato, Lucian and Plutarch. The Bible and Talmud refer to several events related to dance, and contain over thirty different dance terms.

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PixelMate Exhibits & Designs

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