Monday 24 April 2017

Exhibition Stand Design & Setup For Alternative-Medicine-Events-and-Trade-Shows

Exhibition Stand Design & Setup For Alternative-Medicine-Events-and-Trade-Shows

 Pixelmate Exhibits and Designs caters to the alternative medicine industry in the trade fair and stand setup, we have unique designs for this industry and we cater to them and provide all kinds of support and solutions required to make them stand out of the clutter, we cater not only to the fortune 500 but to the start-ups and small and medium enterprise.

Alternative medicine industry companies can avail Pixelmate Exhibits & Designs service by writing to them at  or logging on to their website

One stop solution to all your exhibition and trade fair needs. Alternative medicine or fringe medicine are practices claimed to have the healing effects of medicine but which are disproven, unproven, or impossible to prove, or are excessively harmful in relation to their effect; and where the scientific consensus is that the therapy does not, or cannot, work because the known laws of nature are violated by its basic claims; or where it is considered so much worse than conventional treatment that it would be unethical to offer as treatment. Alternative therapies or diagnoses are not part of medicine or science-based healthcare systems.

Alternative medicine consists of a wide variety of practices, products, and therapies—ranging from those that are biologically plausible but not well tested, to those with known harmful and toxic effects. Contrary to popular belief, significant expense is paid to test alternative medicine, including over $2.5 billion spent by the United States government. Almost none show any effect beyond that of false treatment. Perceived effects of alternative medicine may be caused by placebo; decreased effect of functional treatment (and therefore potentially decreased side effects); and regression toward the mean where improvement that would have occurred anyway is credited to alternative therapies; or any combination of the above. Alternative treatments are neither the same as experimental medicine, nor traditional medicine — although the latter, when used today may be considered alternative.

Alternative medicine has grown in popularity and is used by a significant percentage of the population in many countries. While it has extensively rebranded itself: from quackery to complementary or integrative medicine—it promotes essentially the same practices. Newer proponents often suggest alternative medicine be used together with functional medical treatment, in a belief that it “complements” (improves the effect of, or mitigates the side effects of) the treatment. There is no evidence showing they do so, and significant drug interactions caused by alternative therapies may instead negatively influence treatments, making them less effective, notably cancer therapy. Despite being illegal to market alternative therapies for cancer treatment in most of the developed world, many cancer patients use them.

Benefits of Alternative Medicine

Here are a few reasons why people turn to alternative medicine


Many people turn to alternative medicine therapies for pain relief when traditional treatments fail to work. Alternative medicine also offers treatment options to individuals who do not have access to pain clinics under their health insurance plans.


Alternative medicine therapies used together with conventional medical treatments can alleviate some of the symptoms of cancer, as well as lessen the negative side effects of conventional medical treatments. Chemotherapy, although effective in increasing the survival rate of many cancer patients, can produce unpleasant side effects. Some cancer patients are able to tolerate chemotherapy treatments better when using an alternative treatment such as acupuncture to control side effects like fatigue, headache, nausea, vomiting, night sweats and aching.


Alternative medicine therapies can be less expensive than conventional medical treatments. Although some alternative therapies are not cheap, many herbal remedies and other natural treatments still cost less than prescription medications and treatments. Acupuncture and chiropractic sessions can cost significantly less than conventional pain therapy treatments.

Side Effects

In most cases, effective alternative therapies have fewer or no side effects as opposed to the frequent and sometimes severe effects of many prescription medications and other conventional medical treatments. But depending on what medical conditions a person might have, even natural remedies and other alternative therapies can sometimes cause adverse side effects.

Mental Health

Alternative medicine can be beneficial to a person’s overall well being, as the approach focuses on healing the mind, body and spirit. Treatment methods such as massage therapy, biofeedback, meditation and visual imagery help a person to relax and reduce stress. Art and music therapies are used to relieve symptoms of depression and schizophrenia by stimulating the natural release of endorphins and opiates in the body, in addition to helping individuals let go of deeply repressed emotions.

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PixelMate Exhibits & Designs

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